Friday, June 15, 2012

Dearest family and friends,

It is so warm today. I only have one sweater and that is all. Can´t believe that we are in the middle of winter.

Last night, I could not go to the temple. 8:30 session just does not work but Evan wanted to go that one because Patty and her husband can only make that one.
He is going to take me to the temple tomorrow Saturday.

Tonight for sure Danuvia is coming to practice piano. I hope she will come ealy.because I get headach around 4-5:00.

I am so tired and sleepy.
Everynight, we hear the yellings and fireworks for succugames since we care fairly close to the succor ground. They are soooo loud. It is not easy to sleep.

We went to the church store this afternoon which is located on the ground level. Evan said the price for the garments are unbeliebably cheap. They are making them right next to the store. Maybe that is why. If you need garments, let us know.

Well I´d better go back to work!!

I miss and love you!!


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