Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dearest family and friends,

We could not get a hold of Carol who usually take us to the church. So we left early and took  a bus.
I was so tired, after the sacrament meeting, we took bus back again.
And I took a nap. I slept until almost 5:00!! I hope I can go to sleep tonight.

Evan was not home when I woke up and I remember him saying he is going out with Elders so I guess that what he is doing. I think that what he said!
He met this lady at the shopping mall and she wanted lesson from Elders! Isn't that wonderful? He is such a great missionary!!!

I was not feeling great today so I only ate rice and eggs.

Hope all is well and you are havung good time with Bill and Everlyn. I miss them!!!

I miss and love you!!!!


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