Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our apartment is great and spacious and full of Brazilian food and fruit.  The weather is the best, only a couple of hot days, the rest are breezy and warm.  Provo and Salt Lake were so freezing cold!

Everyone is treating us like royalty here. We went to a Brazilian ward our first Sunday and so many people came over to to greet us.  Hiroko even spoke Japanese to one of the Japanese-Brazilian members. The best news yet is that one of the girls Tim taught on his mission is going to get sealed in the temple in January! This is the greatest news possible--I met the whole family and they are the best ever.

Poor Hiroko isn't adapting as well as I thought she would, but she's a fighter and will be OK in a little while, I'm sure. She's tougher than a lot of people think. today was her best day and it looks like things will continue to improve for her since we've been given these major assignments, with more to follow.
She's been wanting to be kept busy and the holiday season here with all the people going on vacation hasn't helped.

I feel sorry for you guys having to endure another Nevada winter while I'm having the time of my life here during the summer.

There are really a lot of things that we need to learn and remember. We've been given some major assignments concerning a fresh water project  way up north to help keep animals from starving and ruining the economy of the small villages there.
Also we have to manage a 2 stake program way down south to help families generate their own food crops, chicken farms and egg production facilities to bolster their finances.  I'm cramming to learn the words and techniques the Brazilians use for chicken coops, farm implements and equipment, manure, feed, drill rigs, excavating techniques, etc. It's a real zoo!!


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