Sunday, December 18, 2011

third day in Brazil

We got up around 8:00 then went to the church, which is right by the Temple.
People are so wonderful but it is so hard not to be able to communicate.
I need Mac's oatmeal so badly.
Of course it is Sunday here so with missionary badged on, I could not buy or eat out!
After the church,  went straight to bed. I was so tired!!!
Then around 3pm we went other missionary couples home to help wrap christmas presents for the office people.
Then we got too tired so we came back home. Joey, I am eating my last Rum nuget!!!
Guess what! you can not get peanut butter here.

Our mailing address is;
Sister Ray Assoc. Bras I.J.C.S.U.D
BEM Estar
Av. Prof. Francisco Morato 2430S P.
05512-300 Sao Paulo

It rained this afternoon very hard so it was nice and cool. and thunders!!

This is Evan:
We went to a local ward this am.  It is on the temple grounds and is really beautiful.  the members were so friendly.  Many of them came over to us to say hi and ask us about ourselves. Hiroko even spoke Japanese to one of the members. We found out that she lives in the same apt. complex with us, so she will be a fun neighbor for Hiroko.
Mom is adapting really well and is a real trooper.  She hasn't been on her feet for such a long period of time since her surgery and she is holding up much better than I anticipated. It's fun being together all the time.
We love all the fruit and fruit juices here--they're so sweet!
Thanks tons for all your prayers.  All our grandkids' prayers for us are appreciated so much.

Love you all lots,


1 comment:

  1. I will put your address in the ward program. Glad you made it safe!
