Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dearest family and friends,

Today, Evan told me that those two sisters will be eating lunch at the temple and would like us to be there. So I was not feeling well but I forced myself to go. I don't know what made me sick but I got sick after I ate. And those sisters did not show up!!! Lately if I use any oily thing or meat (Beef), I get sick. I have no idea what to eat!!!
So I came back home and am going to study portuguese using the cd's.

Here is the copy of
Christy's E-mail:
Tay is just fine, but we sure had a scare. I had to take her to the ER for a concussion. She went down hard and whiplashed. Doug had just returned from a conference covering concussions, and he said whiplash is a very common culprit. He said that women's soccer was second only to football for the most concussions. She had a headache, nausea and dizziness so they concluded she has a mild one. Ten days of rest and she should be good to go. She's missing 2 huge games against the Wolfpack (their rivals) to make it to the state championship and her first track meet. You would've thought id told her she'd never walk again... Bummer cuz she was playing so well. It happened in the first half of the 2nd of 3 games. But not before she headed to out of the box!!!

Zoe had a tournament in Carson city and won her last game onSunday. John says she is getting stronger every game. She finally said that she loves soccer. 

I am so worried about her. Becuse I hear so many problems with football players and succor players hitting their head so hard! I am constanly worried about my kids and grandkids.

Evan is so eager to learn the language that he goes to the office 7:30 to have breakfast with other Brasilians. If I can speak half of what he can, I would be so happy!!

I miss and love you!!!


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