Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This is Evan:
We are so happy to be able to help the home for the mentally handicapped that we visited.
It's a long story about how we finally got to the point of getting permission for this project.  I'll just say it took almost 3 months of being carefully guided by the Lord to finally reach the conclusion that the Lord wanted. What a great experience we had. I'll have to tell you when I have more time and can write a long blog. Right now we are swamped with things to do for our humanitarian projects.
Attached is a couple of photos of a street vendor who has the absolutely best tasting bananas. He's the most humble, nicest guy you'll ever meet. His prices are so low that I always give him more than he asks. So today I asked for the most expensive thing he had to sell and it was a jar of honey. Hey, I LOVE  honey! So I put it on toast with a sprinkle of cinnamon (which the internet says is really good for old guys to help them avoid cancer). So of course I bought it and had it for dinner.
Have you ever had sliced bananas on toast with honey and cinnamon? You haven't lived until you've eaten it here from our street vendor!

Look close in the middle of his cart and you'll see my jar of honey

My buddy

Another street vendor peddling his treats right in front of the temple (so who could go wrong buying from him?)--his boss is a mormon! (so I gave him a pass-along card and he said "thanks")

This is what this second street vendor was selling--a super delicious ice cream/sherbet kinda mixture of acai (the dark bowl)and cupuacu (the white bowl), as you can read from his banner. Just like at Baskin Robbins, he gave me a tiny plastic spoonful to taste-test it and I bought the biggest portion he sells. It is soooo good. And do you think mom would even try it? No, but that means I get to eat it all!

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