Friday, February 10, 2012

Dearesr family and friends,

How are you guys doing?
Today is not a so hot day and I am so happy!

Evan was supposed to call me when he was ready to visit the hospital but he called me and he was already late. So I could not go with them.

I went to the temple to have lunch. It was my first time to go to the office by myself.
It is so complicated to use elevator so I pushed T floor then I am supposed to walk to other building they all look like so who knows!) but I had no clue.  So I walked the street and had to cross the street. I did not want to do it but since it was noon time, there were no traffic. So I was able to cross the street with no problem. Isn't that sad that I still cannot find the way to the office!!!

I had lunch at the temple and hate to say this but I am getting tired of lunch at the temple!! I love their fried fish but it was the third day this week with same fish menue. Yes, I am getting tired of it.

Evan walked yesterday then came home with a chocolate ecclare pastry (??). Even he said "It is too sweet for me!" Of course I did not even try it. Everything is so sweet or too salty and Evan loves that. When we bought dry soybeans for snack, we had to use towl to remove salt. They were so solty!!!

We bought Pizza from Youngwomen last /Sunday and they are delivering this evening. Our first Pizza!!! I hope they are good!! About $18.00.

I miss low fat small curd cottage cheese!! We only have large curd and not good at all. I just ate my last fruite rolls!!Sad.......

So Evan left for the Hospital and I am just doing Rileaf Society lesson, just reading. We have a translator for that class.Since no one is here, I turned air conditioner to the lowest. Normally there are three old men (including Evan) and saying it is way too cold. So I am taking advantage of today. One man used to be the first Stake President and drinks mixture of fruite and carrots. He is 88(?) and still working. He is the one when Evan told him that he met his first councelor at the park. Then he said...Well...He is dead!. Actually Evan met his Secretary. His wife plays piano for RS but not that good. But she is a sweetest lady. Speaks no English. She puts red brush on her cheeks, I mean really RED!!! She trys to joke with me saying "To do bonbon" instead of "To do beim". She knows I don't speak but she kept saying same jokes every Sunday. Not so funny but So cute!!

Looks like it is going to rain but I sure don´t mind it.

My sister Nobuko in Germany reads my blog using Google translate. When I wrote I really miss Punkin (my dog), it translated "I really want Pumpkin!" Isn' that funny?

Well that is all for today.

Please pray for snow in Tahoe. They have no snow and they sure need it!!!

I love you and miss you!!!


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