Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dearest family and friends,

It was the hottest day today. It went up to over 90!
Evan agreed that it was too hot.

At the office , one brotheren brought corn cake. It did look like the one at Eltoridao. He was standing right by me so I had to taste it. Nooooooo! It is nothing like Eltorido's. Of course Evan liked it and I hated it. He kept offering more but I could not. It was like sweet hardened Corn meal(Can't remember the name, ). The one made by corn meal and cooked with srapped corn hask. But it is sweet and noooooo, I did not like it.
We saw two more ugliest warm again today. I was really sick. I am so scared to walk that area becuse I know they came down from the trees and we have to walk under it.

It was another busy day. I just came to the conculution that the main jobs for Senior missionaries are needed at the office. There are so much to do. I worked on the list of mental Hospitals. So that Bishop and Stake presidens can get those information for their members. There is only one person in charge for the entire Brazil. So he really needs our help.There are so many and I have to figure out all the informations. Good thing Evan is sitting right next to me. But I realized that I am not good for that kind of office work. My head was going crazy!!!

Patty and her husband called tonight and they wanted to go to the temple with Evan. I still had headach so I could not. I am going on Thursday night with the Scudden.

I am mentally exhausted!!! 

It is going to be another hot day tomorrow!!! I hope it rains!!!!

I miss and love you!!!!


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